Inspiring curiosity, innovation, & creativity through Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics
The Phelps Library

If your vision is for a year, plant wheat.
If your vision is for ten years, plant trees.
If your vision is for a lifetime, plant people.
~ Chinese proverb
It is our vision at the Phelps Library
to plant seeds of inspiration, curiosity, and success
within our young people through STEAM,
which stands for science, technology, engineering, arts, and math.
We at the Phelps Library believe so deeply in our community, striving to be an award-winning center for education, creativity, and innovation. We aim to bridge our region’s science, technology, and trade skills gap by:
Developing and growing the STEAM Lab Makerspace, a 1,000 sq. ft. community space filled with tools and technologies (3D printer, full woodworking shop, soldering and circuitry sets, fabric arts, augmented and virtual reality technologies, and so much more – full list HERE) that may be used for free by anyone, regardless of residency or library card status;
Teaching advanced manufacturing classes to 8-12 year olds, called the STEM Explorers, who meet for six-month semesters;
Uniting over 500 inventors, manufacturers and makers at our annual FLX Maker Fest;
Fostering the Phelps Library STEAM Scholarship, a $1,000 annual award collected through donations from the community and given to a Midlakes graduating senior who has demonstrated curiosity, innovation, and creativity, to empower them to pursue certification or education (not necessarily a 4-year college, as not all students thrive in that form of education) in a STEAM career;
Assisting budding entrepreneurs as they develop their businesses by providing graphic design, website development, and guidance through the process of establishing their company;
and advancing our local economy through community partnerships and education.
Providing over 3,000 hands-on classes and events per year with only a $2,000 program budget and 1.5 staff dedicated members, the Phelps Library and STEAM Lab Makerspace was awarded the 2017 Family and Community STEM Innovation Award for Community-Based Learning, and, later that year, the Phelps Library Director was the recipient of the L. Marion Mosher/Ava Wynkoop Award for Distinguished Librarianship, a statewide award given by the Public Libraries Section of the New York Library Association. The Phelps Library, under the umbrella of the New York State Education Department and chartered by the
Board of Regents, is proud to be an educational partner with schools. Libraries and schools throughout the State regularly seek out the Phelps Library for guidance on “STEAM”ing up classes, designing and installing makerspaces, and partnering with industry leaders to prepare New York’s workforce of the future.
We are grateful for your donation to our STEAM Initiative! Please designate whether you prefer your donation be applied to our STEAM Lab Makerspace classes and events OR to the Phelps Library STEAM Scholarship. Without your support and encouragement from our community, the success of this STEAM Initiative would not be possible! Thank you!








Other Amount
Donations may also be mailed to:
The Phelps Library
Attn: Daniel Bish, Director
8 Banta Street, Suite 200
Phelps, NY 14532