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S.T.E.A.M. Lab Programs

Beginners' Woodworking: Raised Pet Bowls


Thursdays, March 16th, 23rd, and 30th, from 6-8pm


Taught by local artist and carpenter, Mary Murphy

Calling all pet lovers!  Learn how to make a raised bowl for your pet, or as a gift! In our first class, we will measure and design the stand.  In the second class, we begin to create, cut, and build! In the final class, paint and seal your raised pet bowl.  No experience necessary.  Learn pocket joinery and how to use the band saw and the router.  $10 materials fee, and please bring your pet’s bowl with a wide lip or a rim.  Call 315.548.3120 to register.  Only 6 spots available!

Jewelry Making: Pendants and Earrings Made from 99.9% Silver Clay


Saturdays, March 25th and April 1st, from 10am-1pm


Taught by Bermudian artist, Mary LaGasse Tatem

Learn to work with 99.9% silver clay to create a beautiful pendant or earrings!  In the first class, we will create jewelry by rolling out the clay and using texture plates and molds.  On the second day, learn about patinas as we will tumble, sand, and wire brush the fired pieces, followed by a polishing celebration!  No experience necessary. $30 materials fee to cover the cost of the silver clay.  Call 315.548.3120 to register.  Only 9 spots available!

every Monday at 1pm
in the STEAM Lab Makerspace
All Makers are welcome!
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